The whole restoration will cost approximatly 25 million czech crowns. From that are 20 million the donation approved by the government and approximatly 5 million are from the resources of Czechoslovak Hussite Church. We managed to gain 400 thousand czech crowns from the Emergency fund of the Ministry of Culture and the South Bohemian Region provides the resources for service and sectional costs connected with restoration too. On its own costs our church realized reconstruction of house (including the roof repairs) which adjoins with memorial objects and our church managed the exposition for transition time before the actual reconstruction when the memorial was opened for public until the year 2013.
The restoration includes reconstruction of two memorial objects, brand new exposition about Master John Hus, construction of restrooms and overall adjustment of garden area. From 1st July of 2014 the reconstruction of trusses and roofing of two mentioned memorial objects has begun. These works was finished in October of 2014 and the next phase followed – works in exteriors and interiors of buildings performed by company which won the tender. The completion date and opening of Master John Hus Center is set on the day of June 30, 2015.
The restoration is carried out in cooperation and support of government of Czech Republic, Ministry of Culture, the South Bohemian Region and Husinec town. Although the restoration performs the Czechoslovak Hussite Church under the contract from the year 2010, the financial resources are invested into the property of Husinec town, which is the owner. After the restoration the Husinec town will be able to use the Memorial for cultural and social events.
Our church from the beginning to the personality and legacy of Jan Hus professed and built mainly during the First Republic era dozens of churches marked after the Hus name as the "Hussite Church" in towns and villages, and also reminded his living memory at all times, whether it was the center of social Hus interest or on the edge. This our ideologically oriented relationship to Hus was the reason why we embarked on this mission so hard.
To aware more deeply the legacy of Hus not only in ecclesial environment, but even in our society, in history of our nation and culture and in european context is the 600th anniversary very appropriate and valueable opportunity.
Tomáš Butta,
Patriarch of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church